Description of the work package 2.3 :
The new courses and other related material will be available through a Virtual Learning Environment on a Virtual Learning Portal. These will be hosted on the Project Website. This will be an innovation for the region and should allow the development of distance learning that could be very important for education for rural areas. The Platform and Portal allow anyone with a username and password to have access to the material as long as they have internet access. Overall the new courses will provide new information on how sustainable water management and climate change implications. The new teaching approaches should also attract interest from enterprises, establishing the necessary cooperation’s’ to further make the course meet the job markets needs. The objective is the implementation of these courses at the partner universities. For this to be feasible supporting guidelines for their implementation is necessary. These guidelines will also be useful for new institutions that decide to adopt the courses. The Jordanian and Palestinian partner universities with the help of the other Jordanian and Palestinian partners and associates will develop a list of the potential students that could attend the courses and universities of the region that could adopt them. Finally the courses will be piloted in all Jordanian and Palestinian partner universities to test their effectiveness and adoption the culture of the region. The users participating in the piloting Water management courses will include both professionals and students interested in this scientific field. Based on these pilot runs an assessment report will be developed on the results and the best delivery of these courses in Eastern Mediterranean and how to sustain the university enterprise cooperation.
Activities of WP2.3:
2.3.1 Virtual Learning Portal 2.3.2. Course Guidelines 2.3.3. Pilot Courses 2.3.4. Assessment Report
Check the below link for WP2.3 Deliverables:
| The WP 2.3 Leader

Time Frame: Jun, 2020 to Nov, 2021