Work Package 4.1


​About Work Package 4.1:
​The WP Leader

The objectives of the WP are to provide a coherent, tailored and effective communication strategy and to create the tools for a wide and extended project dissemination of its results. Initially a dissemination plan will be developed to guide the activities. Specifically dissemination materials will be created, information material through professional networks, to local Authorities, companies etc. will be distributed, dissemination workshops will be organized, a conference will be hosted and a sustainable internet presence through a website and social media will be created. The dissemination material will include printed and electronic and the development of a video. Presentations in relevant conference will also take place.

Activities of WP4.1: ​Time Frame: Jan, 2019 to Nov, 2021

4.1.1. Dissemination Plan

4.1.2. Project Website and Social Networks

4.1.3. Printed material

4.1.4. Electronic material

4.1.5. Dissemination Seminars

4.1.6. Innovations in Water Management Conference

4.1.7. Conference Presentations



Check the below link for WP4.1 Deliverables: