Work Package 1


​Description of the work package 1:
The WP Leader
​The first goal of this WP is to review the current university curricula in the Eastern Mediterranean on the current courses in regard to water education. Emphasis will also be given on what the current pedagogical techniques that are used. In addition curricula from EU Universities will be review to provide ideas for new courses in water education that could be adopted in Eastern Mediterranean and how to modernize the education in the region. The second goal of this WP is examine current university and enterprise cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean. Specifically, Eastern Mediterranean Universities will be asked through a questionnaire developed by the project about their current cooperation’s. This questionnaire will also be used with EU Universities. The EU Universities answers will provide successful examples of such cooperation’s and these could be models that could be transferred to Eastern Mediterranean Universities.
Activities of WP1.1:
​    Time Frame: Nov,2018 t0 July,2019

1.1.1. Review Water Education Curricula of Universities in Eastern Mediterranean

1.1.2. Review Water Education Curricula of major Universities in EU Countries

1.1.3. Analyze current university and enterprise cooperation through a questionnaire in Eastern Mediterranean

1.1.4. Successful examples of university and enterprise cooperation from the EU

Check the below link for WP1 Deliverables: