Description of the work package 1:
| The WP Leader |
objectives are to establish strong and last lasting cooperation between
universities and enterprises. These type of cooperation will help universities
better understand what the expertise and qualifications for their students in
water resources management should be in order to succeed and get hired once
graduating. Another goal is to understand what steps and tools need to be
implemented in order to further advance the adoption of sustainable water
management in the Eastern Mediterranean. Finally emphasis will be given on
climate change implication on water management. |  |
Activities of WP1.1: | Time Frame: April, 2019 to May, 2021 |
List of Potential Collaborating Enterprises 2.1.2.
Water Network 2.1.3.
Establish Cooperation and Agreements
2.1.4. Water Management
Check the below link for WP2.1 Deliverables:
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