News - Launching the first online lectures in PTUK...
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Launching the first online lectures in PTUK using WaSec Resources to cope COVID 19 Contingency

The Country Director of the NEO in Palestin and WaSec project Manager Dr. Saed Khayate met with H.E. the Minister of HE professor Mahmoud Abu Mouise and the president of PTUK university together with the head of Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission; together with the DG of Accreditation Mr. Raed Barakat and the team of both MoHE & PTUK . This meeting aimed to activate the tools of distance education at the time Palestinian Higher Education is not functioning due to the CoronaVirus attack.

The NEO urged its different projects to use its tools of digital education. Therefore, Dr.Jayousi and the Minister together with PTUK University president opened a virtual classroom using Zoom technique and utilizing labs that are funded by Erasmus to use these tools of education at the time conventional classroom instruction is not functioning.

We have witnessed a virtual interactive class for MA students of our WaSec project, facilitated by Dr. Nisreen Tamimi . NEO considers this mechanism as an efficient tool and urges WaSec to pursue their relentless efforts to work and teach various courses in water resources by using these tools, at the time our Universities are closed.

Due to contingency conditions and the closure of our universities, WaSec and other CBHE Projects are urged by the NEO to commence on utlilizing licensed Zoom program and other virtual tools and /or labs that Erasmus provided to a number of our Universities to teach at all levels of Master and Bachelor programs.

The NEO Director opened as well with H.E. the Minister the first online lecture using Zoom in Master program on Natural resources management. It was interactive with active student's interaction. It is really good experience to utilize these virtual tools to continue education at the time our HEIs in Palestine are close.

